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Welcome to the News and Insights section of The Boris Mints Institute. Here, you will find the latest updates, analysis and conversations on the most pressing issues in the world of politics and innovation, as told by those belonging to The Boris Mints Institute.


A New World Order

February 3 , 2023

Sponsored by Sciences Po, The Boris Mints Institute, and the International School of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University.

After recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the world plunged into one of its darkest moments in modern history unveiling some fundamental challenges within the political, economic, and socialissues of our society. Russia’s war in Ukraine has demonstrated multiple faults in the existing systems of governance, at both the national and international levels.

“A New World Order”, the Sciences Po – Tel Aviv University conference explored facets of this frightening reality to see if strategic responses to these global challenges could be developed.

Ignoring such challenges would lead to catastrophic consequences for humanity. Developing new institutional solutions and the reorganization of existing ones is vital towards creating a common global eco system for humanity for the future.

There was a focus on four topics, the cornerstones for the conference.

The first two focused on the heart of the problem, while the others explored where answers may come from. Two hot beds of conflict are the wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East. The conference summoned the best minds in the world to look at these and rethink whether light can be found, in the middle of these dark and long-lasting conflicts. The other two panels investigated what may change things. There too, the conference brought together the most renowned experts to explore the options. The first of these panels focused on political and economic institutions: to what extent the existing institutions are really failing us, how, why, and what could we propose as optional remedies.


The last panel focused on digital governance and cyber governance. In the future, institutions will be mostly digital or, at very least, will rely heavily on digital mechanisms to govern. The most obvious example with which one has accumulated a significant amount of experience and knowledge is the cyber world, an arena that is mostly governed by digital structures of governance. The conference summoned the top global experts on cyber governance to highlight what their experience of the structure of the cyber world tells us about Artificial Intelligence and other mechanisms of digital governance, the challenges they face and the extent to which they can solve any of the generic problems that characterize our traditional forms of governance.

At the conference, Robert Axelrod, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Michigan, renowned for his ground-breaking work in applying game theory to conflict resolution, was awarded the prestigious 2022 Boris Mints Institute Prize.

In his research, which employed the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Axelrod discovered that cooperative choices and beneficial behaviours, with punishments in place for those that do not adhere to such, is the best way to manage conflicts. He has applied his academic findings to modern conflicts, working with the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the former Yugoslavia, sitting down with professionals from all sides. Axelrod has also discussed his ideas with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, and published his research in Science and Harvard’s Negotiation Journal.

The value of Axelrod’s research and policy engagement on conflict resolution has previously been recognized by the National Academy of Sciences (USA), with their award for Contributions of Behavioural and Social Science to the Prevention of Nuclear War, and by President Obama from whom Axelrod received the National Medal of Science. Robert Axelrod, Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, remarked: “I am truly honoured to have been selected as 2022 Prize Laureate of the Boris Mints Institute Prize. The conflicts we witness around the world seem endless. However, as my research has shown, when two sides expect to interact for a long time, cooperation based on reciprocity can emerge and be sustained.”

Dr. Boris Mints, Founder and President of the BMI, added: “I am delighted that Robert Axelrod has been awarded this prize. His academic contributions, which are so relevant to the work of the Institute, make him a very worthy winner.”


Featured in the FT

August 13 , 2021

Boris Mints Institute Fellow Karen Umansky was quoted in the Financial Times on August 12, 2021.

In the article titled Europe’s motley Covid passport protesters find unity in liberty, Umansky stated “There is a strong correlation between vaccine hesitancy and populism.”

Follow Karen Umansky on Twitter or read more about her work here.

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Does Globalization bring world closer together or farther apart?

June 7, 2021

In 2021, the world has become interconnected as never before. The interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and population, together with the explosive growth of the internet as a medium of communication and commerce, has brought the world closer than ever. Yet, globalization has created a host of challenges confronting modern society, including economic inequality, increased fragility of democratic institutions, the rise of authoritarian regimes, the need to improve social welfare and justice, and the challenges both of preventing and treating pandemics in an interconnected world.

Click below to watch a special webinar, ‘The Challenges of Globalization – Where do we go from here?’ featuring world-renowned economists and social scientists from Israel, the United States, and the United Kingdom, who will discuss economic issues in the 21st century, and the sustainability and future of democratic institutions.


What is the future of Israel-US relations under a Biden administration?

December 14 , 2020

Find out what Israel’s former ambassador to the US Prof. Itamar Rabinovich thinks about the prospects for Israel-US relations under the Biden administration.

Rabinovich, a noted historian, former president of Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Israeli ambassador to the US from 1993 to 1996 addressed the nature of the relationship between the two countries Thursday at a TAU research webinar, titled “The Aftermath of the 2020 US Presidential Elections: Politics, Cyber and Strategy,” sponsored by the Boris Mints Institute, the Center for the Study of the United States in partnership with the Fulbright Program, Tel Aviv University, and the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology & Security.

These and other pressing matters were discussed at a special webinar in December 2020 sponsored by the Boris Mints Institute, the Center for the Study of the United States, and the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology & Security.


New research shared with global audience at Institute Conference opened by Dr. Boris Mints – the transformation of old buildings into living ecosystems

July 10 , 2020


Theme of Boris Mints Institute 2020 Conference announced – “Israeli innovation for a better world”

July 9 , 2020


New research featured in the Guardian will be presented at the Boris Mints Institute 2020 Conference – “Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jews ‘least stressed’ by Covid-19”

July 4 , 2020


Boris Mints Institute Prize Laureate 2020 shares her research with the Independent, in advance of the Prize ceremony.

May 29 , 2020


An interview with the laureate of the 2020 Boris Mints Institute Prize – Prof. Sabina Alkire

May 27 , 2020


Boris Mints – “Covid-19 pandemic will dramatically aggravate the problem of poverty, and not only in the less developed countries.”

May 14 , 2020

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